SychO Execute composer update -- preference list -- no plugins -- no dev - a -- with all dependencies to report an error Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages
Problem 1
-Root composer.json requires wanecho/mobilelogin, it could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
-The package is not available in a stable enough version according to your minimum stability setting
see < -Stability>for more details
-It's a private package and you forget to add a custom repository to find it
Read < >For further common problems
Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.
"acpl/mobile-tab": "*",
"afrux/forum-widgets-core": "*",
"afrux/news-widget": "*",
Afrux/online users widget ":" * ",
"antoinefr/flarum-ext-money": "*",
"askvortsov/flarum-rich-text": "*",
"blomstra/turnstile": "*",
"cccyun/flarum-clogin-oauth": "*",
"clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-no-email-notifications": "*",
Dark/box ":" * ",
Davwheat/flash ext ads ":" * ",
Exercise book/of upload image ":" * ",
"flarum-lang/chinese-simplified": "*",
"flarum/approval": "*",
"Flash/bbcode": "*",
"flarum/core": "^1.6",
"flarum/emoji": "*",
"flarum/flags": "*",
"Flash/lang English": "*",
"flarum/likes": "*",
"Flash/lock": "*",
"Flash/markdown": "*",
"flarum/mentions": "*",
"flarum/nicknames": "*",
"flarum/pusher": "*",
"flarum/statistics": "*",
"flarum/sticky": "*",
"flarum/subscriptions": "*",
"Flash/suspend": "*",
"Flash/tags": "*",
"fof/best-answer": "*",
"fof/cookie-consent": "*",
"fof/disposable-emails": "*",
"fof/drafts": "*",
"fof/forum-statistics-widget": "*",
"fof/linguist": "*",
"Fof/links": "*",
"fof/nightmode": "*",
"Fof/oauth": "*",
"Fof/pages": "*",
"Fof/retty mail": "*",
"fof/profile-image-crop": "*",
"Fof/recaptcha": "*",
"Fof/sitemap": "*",
"Fof/terms": "*",
"fof/upload": "*",
"fof/user-bio": "*",
"fof/user-directory": "*",
"fof/username-request": "*",
Hehongyuanlove/frarum auth qq ":" * ",
"ianm/level-ranks": "*",
Imeepo/frarum more bbcode ":" * ",
"isaced/flarum-ext-email-verification-switch": "*",
Justorclock/custom html widget ":" * ",
"justoverclock/geo-weather": "*",
"league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "1.*",
Littlecxm/flare repeat to see ":" * ",
"nearata/flarum-ext-login-notification": "*",
"nomiscz/flarum-ext-auth-wechat": "*",
"noriods/auto-more": "*",
Overtrue/flysystem qiniu ":" * ",
Pipecraft/flash ext id slug ":" * ",
The tour/frarum stickiest ":" * ",
V17 development/frarum seo ":" * ",
"wanecho/mobilelogin": "*",
"ziiven/flarum-daily-check-in": "*",
"ziiven/flarum-money-leaderboard": "*",
Ziiven/frarum post number ":" * "
PHP version 7.4, Composer version 2.5.7