A while ago I started Flarum Blog support group with the intention of gathering members to help cofinance further development of this extension. Unfortunately, nobody joined yet. But I'm sure that a lot of you didn't see it yet though.
Hoverer, there is a lot of interest for this extension and I'm sure that a lot of you would want for this to become a better/more stable/robust. Personally I think that the Blog can coexist with Flarum as a great platform which could attract a lot of Wordpress (and other CMS) users. And I'm very excited to completely ditch my Wordpress site and replace it with this. Also, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking the same way.
Let me know here or in the Flarum Blog support group if you want to join me. If there is enough of us who can contribute a little, I'm sure together we can create a great thing.
EDIT: Join our Blog for Flarum Support Group on Discord. After my post 8 hours ago there are 4 of us already.