RobLogan Changing config.php 'url' worked extremely well. The only issue are existing posts with FoF Uploaded images that contain the old full URL. Is there a system wide search for http://old.domain.dom and replace with httpS://new.domain.dom (or better yet nothing to make all image links a relative URL) for all posts?
luceos RobLogan update `posts` set `content` = replace("http://oldurl", "http://newurl", `content`) where `content` like ”%http://oldurl%"; Make sure to make a backup of your posts ts le before running.
RobLogan It did its thing Query OK, 74 rows affected (0.088 sec) Rows matched: 74 Changed: 74 Warnings: 0 but it found no posts after the reboot, so I need to look closer. Thanks for the idea!
RobLogan luceos was very close but for google's sake, replace has the field before the search term update posts set content = replace(content, "", "") where content like "%";