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Is there a difference between Newest and Recent when using the option list to sort forum topics?
Is there a difference between Newest and Recent when using the option list to sort forum topics?
Newest refers to when the topic was created (most of my bug reports show as new), "Recent" refers to the latest post. (For example, sorting by "Recent" should show this first (for a little bit, anyway.))
Right! So Recent takes replies into account whereas Newest doesn't.
henrywright Not exactly, if I understood you correctly.
Newest refers to the start date of the topic. So some of my bug reports, since they were started yesterday, would show a few places down when sorting by newest.
Recent refers to the date/time of the most recent post on each topic. So since I just replied, this topic would show very close to, if not at, the top.
Replies refers to the amount of posts on each topic. Currently, if you were to sort by Replies, the word association game would be at the top, since it has the most posts.
Oldest is just like Newest, it just reverses the sorting to show the first topics ever created at the top. So if you sorted by Oldest, "Welcome to the Flarum Development Forum" would show first since it was the first topic ever created on this forum.
I hope this was a bit more clear.
How about combine two sorting options "Newest" and "Latest" ( I don't see "Recent" option at this moment) into a single option?
Whether new discussion is created or new reply posted on an existing discussion, all will be counted as a "Latest" one.
malayladu Whether new discussion is created or new reply posted on an existing discussion, all will be counted as a "Latest" one.
I believe the "newest" view is sorted according to when the thread was created, whereas the "Latest" view is sorted by the post date of the latest thread. Combine them and you would not get the benefit of that difference.
I suggest :
Latest −> Recent replies/Last replies)/Latest replies
Top -> Top discussions
Newest -> New discussions/Newest Discussions
Oldest -> Old discussions/Oldest discussions
No long texts thank you,