Implementing this is very simple. You just need to have this HTML Head Items extension and place your Adsense code. Then in your AdSense account generate the message and activate it, it will automatically appear in your forum.
Note that if you only want to show consent, you will need to remove the automatic ads from AdSense.
I would also like to remind you that this alone does not comply with the GDPR. In order to be GDPR compliant your site:
- Must be able to allow users to download their data.
- You must allow users to delete their data.
- It must display a URL detailing which cookies are downloaded by the user if they access your website.
- You must allow the user to choose what type of cookies they want to allow from your site.
- Cookies should not be loaded until the user has given consent.
Google AdSense consent only gives you control over cookies from Google AdSense, but not from third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, analytics or Flarum itself. You will need to combine this with some cookie extensions.
However, if you only want to use the Google AdSense CMP, the steps above should work for you.