FullThrottle83 This extension does indeed replace all of the above. 😃 Quick questions, Shouldn't these boxes actually be icons? Missing icon for details..? Could the text for progress bars be something other than H1? Perhaps H4..? This extension is great!
Litalino FullThrottle83 Error icon due to Font Awesome 5 Free -> Font Awesome Pro I will watch again Thank you for letting me know the above errors Update V2.0 Fixer : Css Missing icon for details. H1 Progress Bar to H3 composer update litalino/flarum-more-bbcode php flarum cache:clear
Mikenthuzi "Xkyer"#p221759 Same issue for me, after clicking the icons, nothing insert into text editor. flarum 1.8.3, PHP 8.1.24
xiaoxiaobai5724 My question: Mikenthuzi When using the Rich Text extension, there will be a situation where there is no input after clicking the icon. This extension is not very compatible with mobile devices, when you click on the inverted triangle, you need to press and hold to enter the secondary menu, I hope to optimize it. Consider whether it is compatible with other BBCode extensions, such as Audio BBCode, BBCode FA, etc. 4.Can you do a Chinese translation, at least in our country, people are in need.
KJeido How to fix the Login and Reply issue? When I click on the Login/Reply, it does not open the link to login or reply. Also, long-pressing on the Login/Reply shows that it is blocked.
Litalino KJeido DEMo https://khatvongsong.vn/d/37-huong-dan-cach-dung-chuc-nang-bbcode-cua-dien-dan/7
BIGALS for video iframes it can't be fullscreen, can you fix this? or is there anyone who can fix this problem?
Googol BUG When I use a Cloud link, the link is can't be click. link in: https://note.freeflarum.com/d/387-bbcode-%E8%AF%AD%E6%B3%95
Capybara Litalino Hi! Thanks for the extension, users are actively using it on my forum. I would like to improve: On the mobile version, when you click on the icon of code, which has several options — color selection, font size, warnings, and so on, the menu simply closes. The selection window doesn't appear Very often, color is used on top of text that has already been written, but the extension adds its own text that has to be deleted. I would like to remove the example text that is added when you click on the color If possible, we would like to regulate which codes will be available for use through the admin panel. In my opinion, this is difficult to implement, but still Thanks again for the extension that my community is actively using ❤️
hcllmsx Please add 115 cloud storage as a network cloud storage style. The online storage link is https://115.com Many people in China are also using a cloud storage system. There is another question, why can't I click the download button after filling in the online storage link.
zxypp Capybara try our fork project at xypp/flarum-more-bbcode that may have a better experience on mobile view and with the feature of disabling any unwanted bbcode
Capybara zxypp I'm thrilled. This is exactly what was needed. Did you make it originally for use on your forum?
huseyinfiliz zxypp I couldn't find a separate discuss for this fork project. This discuss may help you improve your extension: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/36337-after-i-updated-to-version-188all-of-my-content-went-wrong
Capybara zxypp My community loved this extension. I noticed that there is no [AINFO], everything else is there