HikariLan Flarum Passkey Login Login to Flarum with Passkey. Installation Install with composer: composer require hikarilan/flarum-passkey-login:"*" Updating composer update hikarilan/flarum-passkey-login:"*" php flarum migrate php flarum cache:clear Links Packagist GitHub
KarlReza1 THANK YOU! THIS IS A LIFESAVER! It will increase security of forum manifold. And i also strongly believe this must be taken up by the flarum team as part of core extension. I hope @luceos seriously considers this. Passkey isn't something like oauth to be an alternate login. It's literally redefining the paradigm of passwordless logins, and I see absolutely no reason why this should not be integrated into core apart from technical limitations / maintenance aspects. big cheers for this extension!
KarlReza1 @HikariLan can you consider making an option to force passkey login? i.e remove password login option but still store password for some exceptional cases like 2fa reasons or resets.
Capybara Hello! Thanks for the extension. How do I remove the button from the registration screen? The button doesn't belong there