GreXXL beach8138 I don't think any tests have been done yet running Flarum on PHP8.3. PHP 8.2 works just fine (with deactivated deprecation warnings). Flarum version 2.0 will bump the minimum PHP to 8.1 and support 8.3. I imagine 8.3 will also work for Flarum 1.X - you can try it and report back.
IanM Whilst I have not tried it personally, I did add PHP 8.3 to our backend testing when it was released, and no errors were reported, so I see no reason why it should not work using the latest version (1.8.3)
tankerkiller125 Litalino 2.0 gets released when it gets released, but it won't be this year for sure.
Litalino For me, php 8.1 or 8.2 is the best, but 8.3 just came out not long ago so it's not suitable for developers yet.