Yanoe7014 I tried configuring Byobu, it left me with this white page, ![https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1190149714755211417/1190490930743095396/image.png?ex=65a1fe14&is=658f8914&hm=d18b070d8bdee4220fdf8febf44ed70b49d13d78dc2e6a629a6102326943238f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=751&height=389](https://)
GreXXL Yanoe7014 please follow the troubleshooting guide: https://docs.flarum.org/troubleshoot and prodive neceessary information to provide assistance.
Yanoe7014 GreXXL I installed the extension, and have tried configuring it using the guide but every time I do so my whole forum page turns blank leaving the navbar behind BYOBU SETTINGS PERMISSION SETTINGS
luceos Yanoe7014 please follow the troubleshooting guide. There's an error somewhere, the guide helps you pinpoint that. https://docs.flarum.org/troubleshoot