clarkwinkelmann Sure! So, for the very first command composer create-project flarum/flarum .
I get this error/warning/issue below, but then after this command, the guide said, "When everything is ready, navigate to your forum in a web browser." But uh, how? I never even specified a site/IP to anything for it to even know where my site would be....I have my own domain I would like the forums to go.
If you already have a webserver and database setup, you should be able to just follow the install guide from our documentation.
I am trying to use my VPS to host everything.
Is this fine? Can I move on with the rest of commands? Why am I getting this? Then, directly under it, instructions say: "You will need to make sure your webroot is set to /path/to/your/forum/public." Ok, great, but how do I do that? Then if I just go ahead to the next command on the guide, I get:
It's nothing but problems trying to figure this out...It mentions .ini files but I never even messed with .ini files during this whole process?? So then I go ahead and do as terminal says I can and run composer require flarum/extension-manager:* --ignore-platform-req=ext-dom
which seems to lock a bunch of stuff and download 4 things, all in green text, so I guess this specific part is fine....
So the next thing on the guide it mentions is URL Rewrite, so I figured I'd try it with NGINX. So my NGINX .config file is at /var/www/flarum/.nginx.conf;
but when I run include /var/www/flarum/.nginx.conf;
, I get, "include: command not found." This is all such a headache. Would this installers get rid of all this headache and place files where they need to be? If so, which one of these do I even pick for Ubuntu VPS? My VPS is on PHP v8.1.2. I really don't know what "public path, yes or no" is all about either.
Please help.
EDIT: So, I went ahead and downloaded the 1st tar.gz in the photo above and extracted it with tar -xvzf flarum-v1.x-no-public-dir-php8.1.tar.gz
. Now what? Here is my current directory:
I guess my question at this point is: What website/IP do I go to, to actually see the Flarum forum? Nowhere did I specify "" how I'd like it to be and at this point in the guide, I'm supposed to be seeing the Flarum page on my browser somewhere....