That error code is invalid_inputs, because your input fields cannot be empty. Please note that username and password cannot be blank when checking for LDAP account.
May I ask why you wrote 'one' LDAP user? Does other LDAP user login just fine?
You can amend the PHP controller to output the error directly, I have found most errors and map them for better error display.
Go into vendor\yippy\flarum-ext-auth-ldap\src\Controllers\LDAPAuthController.php amend line 159
throw new Exception("account.incorrect_details");
throw new Exception($error);
Remember to Flarum Clear Cache
This should output the LDAP plugin Diagnostic Message directly on the error page, the reason this isn't used by default is because it's not Language friendly if someone wish to translate it. Hence why most of the common errors is mapped in locale\en.yml