chrisc297 Hope this is the right place but this is my community at 115% zoom on my iPhone and I like the text size a lot better. Is there CSS code where I can change all text to this size so it’s more comfortable to browse?
luceos chrisc297 you can change the font size globally in your admin area under Appearance - Custom Styles. It accepts any CSS, so font-size will work.
chrisc297 luceos thanks and sorry if this is a silly question, css is not my strong point. Do in need to wrap it any specific reference for it to apply to all text?
luceos chrisc297 Hm, I think I might have spoken too soon. Blindly forcing a font-size to all elements would reduce the text size of bigger and increase the text size of smaller texts 🤔 I also don't see a global less variable that can be affected. 🤔
luceos You would have to target each element you want to influence separately, eg: body { font-size: 16px !important; } flarum/frameworkblob/64cd6d198892f02860eb5578943f0d2eb81c0116/framework/core/less/common/scaffolding.less#L20