nxmndr Hey. Currently you can see your subscriptions, but I see no way to download your invoices. Accountants here are absolutely adamant about getting (pdf, or at least pdf-like) invoices, especially when you work for a client, and I believe they are mandatory in quite a few countries. Can we please get that ?
luceos nxmndr yes will line that up. I think it's possible somehow, but it might not be apparent. Will get back to you.
Wellwisher GreXXL We also want to boostBounty with additional support Finally PP support for bounties 😃
Qiaeru For your information, all the images of the locale page are broken: https://flarum.org/extensions?tableSortColumn=downloads&tableSortDirection=desc&tableFilters%5Btype%5D%5Bvalue%5D=locale
luceos Litalino When will V2.0 be released? When it's done. Litalino Is there a version for members to test first? Yes nightlies are available for power users, alpha's, beta's and release candidates will be made available when the time is right for them.
Juba007 I don't know if it's because of the new website. But if you click on the Donate link at Discuss, you only get a 404 error. Link in Discuss is flarum.org/donate and I think it should be flarum.org/software/donate
Giochan Hi, I am unable to verify my email. After clicking the verify link/button in the email, the browser goes to the login screen on flarum.org. After logging in, I'm taken to the landing page, but the email remains unverified. Thank you!
luceos Giochan thanks for reporting, will check this immediately. In the meantime can you try copying the url underneath the button and pasting it in?
luceos luceos I've made a change that should resolve the issue. Log in and use resend to get another verification token.
Giochan Thank you, Luceos. The verification works great now! Also, I noticed one more interesting behavior/bug(?). I have written about it in the other thread, because I think it's more relevant there, as it involves the OP's website. Cheers!
KaiKimera @luceos site does not have a current Russian localization package. There is a very very very old one that has been out of date for many many years.