Chatsong_ Hello , is there a possibility to create a @members that all members receive a notification , also is there a possibility to create a profile share button to social media ? Or is this already been developed?
ernestdefoe Chatsong_ also is there a possibility to create a profile share button to social media ? Or is this already been developed? No as far as I’m aware nothing like this has been developed. As far as your other question you can use FoF Default Group or something like that and create a new group that all members get moved to and then mention that group.
HD3D ernestdefoe How about the old members? Is there a way to move them to the default group altogether, at once?
ernestdefoe HD3D I’m sure there is an SQL command but that’s outside the scope of my knowledge maybe @luceos could point you in that direction. I’m not sure if that extension will automatically move existing members that have validated their accounts or only new members that have validated their account. Only thing I know to tell you to do is try it out.
luceos INSERT IGNORE INTO `group_user` (user_id, group_id) (SELECT `id`, 5 FROM `users` where is_email_confirmed = true); Read this explanation: use at your own risk make a backup of your database before using, always make backups when you use queries like this or modify your database outside of your software replace 5 with the group ID of the group you want to assign users to (check groups table) if you use table prefixes on your database make sure to update both group_user and users above, no other change required INSERT IGNORE will ignore any duplicate writes, in case some users already have the group assigned I've tested this locally and ran into no issues
Chatsong_ @luceos i will ask my developer if he could create this as you have written he is backend developer
ctml The automoderator extension can place all members into a group as well, and will also do it for existing members.