NikoCat233 I am experiencing completely same issue with the post above. This issue can be easily resolved by disabling cloudflare waf captcha. But I need it to be kept enabled to prevent ddos attacks. I think we should look into the cause of this issue.
NikoCat233 to replicate the issue just enable cloudflare bot fight on your flarum forum and let it always give a challenge page
NikoCat233 Normal login request will do a get / after /login POST but enabling Cloudflare WAF captcha will make the client do a POST / after /login POST Have no idea why this is happening
GreXXL NikoCat233 you will need to figure that issue out with Cloudflare WAF. If it does block necessary Flarum functions it‘s up to the configuration of the WAF to fix it.
NikoCat233 blomstra/flarum-ext-turnstile4 I confirmed this problem is caused by flarum-ext-turnstile plugin