Hi Everyone, do anyone has the exact hooks/attributes of Flarum? I need a few of those to be inserted into my open graph code to dynamically fetch and populate relevant data.

A discussion named as "Discussion A" with the primary tag as "Tag A" and site name "Site A" would dynamically get the thumbnail in social to be set as:
Discussion A - Tag A - Site A
Here is the example of image to understand better.
I've did it for my ecommerce site:

As long as i have the right hooks/class, then, it can be set to dynamically fetch by implementing some javascript to it. I need the exact class/hooks for this:

Site URL

Discussion Title

Primary Tag Title

Site Description

Site Icon

Site Name

Username of User that initiate the Discussion

The First Discussion Start Date & Time

The Recent Disucssion Update Date & Time.

*For discussion start and update, I guess time wouldn't be feasible, but the Date.

Anyone can assist in this?

I'm doing this primarily to ensure proper display of thumbnails on socials such as facebook, twitter etc and at the same time to contribute for seo. Should i do this manually, or, get an extension instead for this? Any recommended extension that can get both open graph and seo aspects done?

    KARAM_SIDHU I know this isn’t exactly what you're looking for, but this extension can use the first image of a discussion. Perhaps you could adjust the function it uses to move the first image to the homepage so it also applies to social media posts.


    Also, the SEO extension has a meta image field on the discussion page. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I think it’s a feature added in the latest update.
