Chatsong_ Our community is wel used luckily, however i tried group list but could not where see if you could tag all users in the group like @ members and they receive email. Is this possible?
huseyinfiliz Chatsong_ hi, for now, this seems to be the only known method. You can't directly use @members, but if you assign a group to all members and name it @members, it can work. Details:
ctml You can also use automoderator to add all users to a default group. The benefit of this method is it will add all existing users and not just new users.
ctml Chatsong_ it's pretty basic. Just setup the criteria/rules like below and select the group you'd like to add all members to. You can manually trigger via CLI using the command in the automoderator docs, and/or set it up to run on schedule.
huseyinfiliz ctml It appears that the Auto Moderator is showing as abandoned, and I can't install it. Which version of Flarum are you using?