endlessedits Thanks!
I have been investigating and:
- I don't have access to any SSH, Shell or Console because my hosting.
- I don't have access to any of that configurations in my DirectAdmin, because my hosting too.
BTW, I have sent emails to Yahoo accounts and to Outlook and both are working and I have notice that the problem is with Gmail. Any @gmail.com account is getting an email.
Here I give some information about the instalation:
Flarum: 1.8.8
PHP: 8.1.22
MySQL: 10.3.39-MariaDB-cll-lve
Scheduler: Never
Queue Driver: sync
Sesion Driver: file
Laravel: 8.83.27
And here is my Composer.json for the extensions:
"name": "flarum/flarum",
"description": "Delightfully simple forum software.",
"type": "project",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "https://flarum.org/",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Flarum",
"email": "info@flarum.org",
"homepage": "https://flarum.org/team"
"support": {
"issues": "https://github.com/flarum/core/issues",
"source": "https://github.com/flarum/flarum",
"docs": "https://docs.flarum.org/"
"require": {
"afrux/asirem": "*",
"afrux/forum-widgets-core": "*",
"afrux/online-users-widget": "*",
"askvortsov/flarum-markdown-tables": "*",
"askvortsov/flarum-rich-text": "*",
"blomstra/fontawesome": "*",
"clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-group-list": "*",
"datlechin/flarum-birthdays": "*",
"datlechin/flarum-birthdays-widget": "*",
"datlechin/flarum-simple-tour-guide": "*",
"flarum-lang/spanish": "*",
"flarum/approval": "*",
"flarum/bbcode": "*",
"flarum/core": "^1.8",
"flarum/emoji": "*",
"flarum/extension-manager": "*",
"flarum/flags": "*",
"flarum/lang-english": "*",
"flarum/likes": "*",
"flarum/lock": "*",
"flarum/markdown": "*",
"flarum/mentions": "*",
"flarum/nicknames": "*",
"flarum/statistics": "*",
"flarum/sticky": "*",
"flarum/subscriptions": "*",
"flarum/suspend": "*",
"flarum/tags": "*",
"fof/analytics": "*",
"fof/byobu": "*",
"fof/cookie-consent": "*",
"fof/html-errors": "*",
"fof/links": "*",
"fof/pages": "*",
"fof/recaptcha": "*",
"fof/sitemap": "*",
"fof/socialprofile": "*",
"fof/terms": "*",
"fof/upload": "*",
"fof/user-bio": "*",
"fof/user-directory": "*",
"gtdxyz/flarum-ext-badges": "*",
"ianm/follow-users": "*",
"ianm/twofactor": "*",
"justoverclock/auto-post-count-badge": "*",
"justoverclock/flarum-ext-welcomebox": "*",
"justoverclock/last-registered-users": "*",
"michaelbelgium/flarum-discussion-views": "*",
"v17development/flarum-seo": "*",
"xypp/flarum-invite-user": "*"
"config": {
"preferred-install": "dist",
"sort-packages": true
"prefer-stable": true,
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"repositories": []
I have everything up-to-date.
Oh, and maybe if this help, my admin mail configuration:
Port: 587
Encryption: tls
My host suggested me to use STARTTLS encryption but, isn't this less secure?
Here is the email received on Outlook (it says that email sender could not been verified and maybe it is not secure to answer it):
Thanks for your help