Capp So there is the option of flagging a post in a forum and I was wondering we should have it where if a majority of the community in a forum flags a post it gets automatically hidden until a moderator or admin deals with it for example If your forum has 1200 users and 80 of them flag it it gets hidden
davetodave178 Capp askvortsov1/flarum-automodtree/master should get you there at least some way. Perhaps you have to use the Askvortsov\AutoModerator\Extend\AutoModerator extender to add a new Action and/or metric if it's not possible already
Capp @luceos you got it wrong its supposed to be auto hide till a mod deals with it not auto delete lol 😃 so can you change the discussion to say auto hide posts on majority flagging till a mod deals with it because for some reason I cant edit the title
Umutcan Capp The deletion process in Flarum is a two-step process. When you delete a discussion, the post is first deleted, then permanently deleted. This works for all posts, not just discussions.
huseyinfiliz We recently discussed a similar feature regarding a different proposal. In fact, we even managed to write code for it using extend.php
Capp huseyinfiliz I don't know how to use code and @luceos its not delting it it is just hiding it till the mods review and handle the flag so luceos if you can just chang it to say auto hide on majority flagging till a mod handles it so @luceos please change the title