I'm trying to add super-duper custom modal based on Bootstrap to a flarum page. As I'm trying to implement my very own markup, I decided to avoid EditCustomFooterModal.
I found this page and tried to use it as a base:
app.initializers.add('fof-custom-footer', () => {
extend(ForumApplication.prototype, 'mount', () => {
const footer = document.createElement('div');
But after I reload page I see an error in the browser console:
fof-custom-footer failed to initialize fireApplicationError.ts:11:10
TypeError: flarum_forum_components_ForumApplication__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default.a is undefined
js index.js:54
boot Application.tsx:281
boot Application.tsx:279
<anonymous> 14:215
Error points to this line:
extend(ForumApplication.prototype, 'mount', () => {
What am I doing wrong?