Catspindev01 Hello! i recently created a forum called Dev forum, however i run in to a error where i go to change my email from flarum@flarum.docker, to my personal one Error in question:
luceos Catspindev01 You can always look at our troubleshooting guide at to identify the underlying cause of an issue. Though, looking at your error, it is very likely that your email isn't set up properly as a confirmation email will be sent. For testing purposes you can change the mail driver to log in the admin area.
Catspindev01 luceos There apears to be an post error, as you can see in this image:
luceos Catspindev01 check the logs under storage/logs it will give you a better idea of what went wrong, or (on development) use debug set to true in the config.php.
Catspindev01 Yeah, it works fine when sending it using the log mode, its quite strange since i have tried using mailgun API and SMTP server, maybe i have forgoten how to set up SMTP correctly, but here are the logs:
luceos Yeah so mail is not working. It is possible (considering the empty response) that your outgoing mail is blocked, if this is a VPS then the provider probably blocked it by default. If this is locally then your ISP might block it. You can try an alternative port provided by the mail service. Usually that works. If it doesn't, make sure your docker container or service isn't blocking the outgoing port you're using.