bb17indo luceos Not working sir and still can see the content even though it has been suspended Videos: What I want is like this: , So if a user is suspended, they cannot view the content on your forum.
Capp bb17indo what you can do is use akismet anti spam and the other anti spam extesnsion and then make a topic and have it be when a user is marked spammer move all their posts to a quartined tag or you can have it suspend the user and delte all their posts if marked a spammer thats what i do in my forum even if they are not spamers but so they get suspended and all their posts get delted or you can turn on FOF ban ip and ban them that way so they cant get on
panmail This cannot be controlled because Flarum has set up for tourists to view content, and if necessary, you can set it as a registered user to view and browse content
bb17indo panmail Does that mean the suspend feature doesn't work, sir? Because users can still see the content even though it has been suspended
GreXXL Suspended users have the same permissions like guests. If you have set your forum to allow guests to view content so will be suspended users. If a suspended user would log out - it would be the same effect anyhow.
bb17indo GreXXL How do I set it up? So that suspended accounts can't see content? Like this for example:
GreXXL bb17indo if your forum does not allow guests (not registered users) to view content it also will be for suspended users.
Capp bb17indo Okay glad i can halp (and i wont be a nudge and ask to have best answer marked i know your busy)