panmail You can enable this plugin, which supports pasting images into the editor and storing them locally composer require fof/upload Alternatively, you can upload the images to a cloud server or cloud storage and add them to the link
meihuak panmail I mean, how do we add a hyperlink to an image that takes us to another page when we click on it
huseyinfiliz meihuak Demo [![](]( [![](photo-url)](link-url)
meihuak huseyinfiliz hey bro, I set the photo like your code, but I can not see the photo, just an URL
huseyinfiliz meihuak [![](]( I tested this markdown code only in the forum where flarum extensions are available and here. This code works. But when I tested it on a forum where many extensions are loaded, I got the problem as you said. An extension is causing this, but I don't know which one.
RelicSystem Markdown: ![]( BBCode: [img=] If you have FriendsOfFlarum/formatting installed and turn Autoimage on it will also be posted as an image as per
mabioca the Fancybox extension disrupts the execution of Markdown and BB code when an image is linked with a URL. You can see this issue here.
RelicSystem is an alternative I can confirm works if similar functionality is required.