Mahendra I am installed the extension, and after that the error occur Flarum encountered a boot error. Details have been logged to the Flarum log file. Please guide someone guide me on this what to do.
huseyinfiliz Mahendra Which extension did you install? Did you try disabling the last extension you installed via SSH? Did you enable debug mode? What is the error shown in your log file?
Mahendra huseyinfiliz thank for replying, I removed the extension not it working fine. Extension is Private Forum Facade.
huseyinfiliz Mahendra Do you have SSH access? Did you clear the cache? How did you remove the extension?
huseyinfiliz Mahendra Did you clear the cache via SSH as well? Is there any JavaScript error shown in the browser console? What is the issue mentioned in the log?
luceos Check to identify the cause of the error and post it here, either use debug mode or the log file in storage/logs.