danewolfs so there is nothing in <flarum>/storage/logs
What kind of hosting is this? Is it a managed hosting or VPS? Does your hosting provider offer a way to contact support?
From the logs you provided, there seems to be some errors in the webserver configuration.
One error you could start with is /home/poptime/public_html/forum.poptime.space/.htaccess: RewriteRule: bad flag delimiters
. Have you modified this file? You can see what the original file is supposed to look like here flarum/flarumblob/v1.8.1/public/.htaccess
The errors like MaxRequestWorkers of 2048 is not an integer multiple of ThreadsPerChild of 25, decreasing to nearest multiple 2025
are probably irrelevant, there seems to be invalid configuration values but they get automatically adjusted. What these messages indicate however is that the webserver seems to be restarting.
The reason for the restart are probably the messages Cannot serve directory /home/supermagicaibras/public_html/: No matching
and AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown'
. I'm not familiar with the syntax of those logs, is that Apache, with a PHP CGI handler? You would have to check your host/VirtualHost configuration for the respective website.
If you are hosting other websites on the same server, it's also possible the configuration of those other websites is breaking the configuration for the forum site. The error messages seem to reference your forum hostname so the problem is probably there, or for the website that's just before or after it in your list of website as a missing delimiter in the previous site config could affect the one after.