Causes API 500 Error...
Flarum Sitemap Generator
I'm afraid to ask, but is-it available for flarum beta 7 ?
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kayoo123 yup, i'm on beta 7. And i need an update for beta 7 to generate sitemap. currently it's not working on @AllysonSouzaNopSai
it's works on beta7, guys. Check your installation, php extension xmlwriter is required
tlalok XMLReader & XMLWriter both extensions are enabled on my server.
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The error that showed up I fixed by renaming dir: vendor\terabin\flarum-ext-sitemap to vendor\terabin\sitemap. Now the error is gone. But no functionality still...
[23-Dec-2017 03:43:11 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class Terabin\Sitemap\Listener\GenerateSitemap does not exist' in /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php:741
Stack trace:
#0 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php(741): ReflectionClass->__construct('Terabin\\Sitemap...')
#1 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php(631): Illuminate\Container\Container->build('Terabin\\Sitemap...', Array)
#2 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/flarum/core/src/Foundation/Application.php(514): Illuminate\Container\Container->make('Terabin\\Sitemap...', Array)
#3 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/events/Dispatcher.php(149): Flarum\Foundation\Application->make('Terabin\\Sitemap...')
#4 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/events/Dispatcher.php(135): Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher->resolveSubscriber('Terabin\\Sitemap...')
#5 /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/terabin/flarum-ext-sitemap/bootstrap.php(7): Illuminate\Events in /home/helptanks/public_html/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php on line 741
I did this after following the vendor\Flagrow\Upload & vendor\Flagrow\Bazaar extensions.
@AllysonSouzaNopSai Please have a look and let me know about this error above...
I found out one big problem. The sitemap also shows private discussions resulting through this addon
That means private discussions are available on Google and other search engines using the sitemap.
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This is a good example of problems resulting from the use of two extensions, where each extension alone doesn't cause any trouble. Who is responsible in this case, the makers of Byobu or the makers of the sitemap extension?
Think about having an eco-system of hundred different extensions. Which programmer is able to test his extension with every other existing extension, where many of them are probably abandoned?
Looking into the future, I think it's important for Flarum to have an approval system where each extension provider is requested to state, with which extensions his new or revised extension works flawlessly. And where this information is not available, users having tried a certain combination may provide their experience so that others could profit from it.
Such a systems would be especially useful for a software like Flarum, which depends so much on extensions.
Pollux you can already mark which extensions conflict with yours using composer. This only works if you know about it though. I think it's up to the site map author to ignore private posts as this is a flag in core and byobu simply interacts with it (is_private on posts and discussions table).
luceos I think it's up to the site map author to ignore private posts as this is a flag in core and byobu simply interacts with it
I know, and in this regard I was a little slopyy. So this is more a question of updating your extensions and adjusting them to changes in the core. So the responsibility is with the sitemap extension that didn't adapt to such a change. But I guess, there are other scenarios thinkable, where the responsibilities are less clear.
you can already mark which extensions conflict with yours using composer.
That's good, I didn't think of that. How will this conflict be communicated to a potential user of an extension?
This only works if you know about it though.
So we come back to a chart that lists all tested combinations. And if you want to use a combination that is not approved yet, you at least know that you get into untested waters.
Pollux I would say that there can be two main cases here.
Either the core team takes on the essential extensions (sitemap, breadcrumbs, SEO related stuff) under their control and every third-party extension developer makes his extension compatible with the ones present in the core.
The second case would be that some extensions get so big likes a complete SEO package with a sitemap and everything other things (like SEO Yoast in WP) so that other third-party devs always make their extensions compatible to this major extension.
Both of these scenarios will work just fine but, the second one is preferable as it'll lay less stress on the core team. Although in any case if the third party dev abandoned that major extension then the results would be catastrophic. ?
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Sanguine You are right. I must correct. The content of private discussions is not public available, only the title. I was logged in with a user which is a participant of the private discussion when I opened it on Google, and therefore I was able to see the content. When I log out my user and open the link again then I do not see it.
Nevertheless, the title and the link of the private discussion is seeable on search engines.
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Installed into my forum, and work perfectly ?
MP created with Byōbu is all visible but not accessible if i'm not participant.
sitemap.xml automaticcaly created when i have posted one discussion. It's very cool ?
Else, 2 advices maybe : include tags (because just users & discussions is included into sitemap) and edit priority of users & disccusions
It's one good extension too :thumbup:
@AllysonSouzaNopSai look at the link
how to fix?
Can you make it so that when I use the static pages extension, that also generates a new link in the sitemap?
404 sitemap not found
This extension is not working in the beta 7. You can use static php sitemap.
This extension work fine with my forum (on beta7.1)