Wlork I think we’ve reached an agreement. We just need to agree on one point. Moderators or authorized groups can only send notifications to a single member at a time, and the button under the admin panel will only be available to administrators.
Moderators or authorized groups will be able to send notifications to a single member, and this must be done from the profile of the member they want to send it to.
Administrators, on the other hand, can send notifications to all members, any groups, or any specific members simultaneously, including thousands of members. They can also add a link address.
As for the notification types... This is where we have some issues. Actually, it's almost ready. A new notification type can be added, notification types can be listed, and notification types can be deleted. However, they cannot be edited. Also, I made a mistake, and they're too detailed.
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": "New Notification",
"excerpt_key": "new_notification_key",
"default_icon": "fa-bell",
"default_message_key": "new_notification_message",
"description": "This is a new notification type.",
"is_active": true,
"sort_order": 1,
"permission": "notification.create",
"color": "#ff0000",
"default_url": "https://example.com",
"default_recipients": "1"
Yes, it's pretty clear what they are. The fact that notification types are this detailed is causing me some trouble. There are too many details, like which notification type to use when sending notifications to which member groups, etc.
If I decide to release the lite version, the notification types will be much, much, much simpler. There will probably be no settings page for the extension, and you’ll need to manage the notification types using Linguist.
I hope this agreement works for you too 🙌