Yivani luceos Yea sure so lets say i wanna edit the permission for the EMC Owner so he can delete posts or smt but i cant set a permission when its grayed out
luceos Yivani groups will only show if they're also added to top permission which is about being able to view the tag.
Yivani Oh now i see the problem holy i am blind i am so sorry i forgot that i can scroll further down
Yivani luceos okay so now i set the permission for the groups in the tag but a few permissions are still like grayed out i cant even edit it
luceos Yivani perhaps it's depending on another permission; like the edit user credentials; try add EMC owner there first.
Yivani luceos didn't work i gived the EMC Owner all rights that i have but i cant add him to like edit groups or smt
luceos Yivani I think it's connected to View hidden group badges based on a test on the demo site. The fact that these dependencies exist and are not visible when interacting with them makes it extremely frustrating 🤔
luceos Yivani did you try my suggestion here? luceos I think it's connected to View hidden group badges based on a test on the demo site. Once I assigned that permission to the group I could also add it to the Edit user groups permission.