abc123 I made a public welfare forum, mainly free service anchors, and now I need a free VPS hosting, at least 1G1 core, hard disk 20G-30G, 100-500G traffic per month, can I have friends to sponsor me.
14569 abc123 You can use freehost like InfinityFree, AeonFree. Its software installer can automatically install Flarum for you. If you need to install extensions, just use the built-in Extension Manager. If it shows that Update Flarum requires you to enter the database password when installing the extension, it can be found in config.php in the Flarum directory.
wylzn abc123 Last time i checked Oracle has a free tier which will get you a free VPS with quite low end specs, you can check that out?
ernestdefoe abc123 It sounds like you can run your site on a free/cheap shared host. Why do you feel you need a VPS? Most people aren't going to just give someone a free VPS. @14569 suggestion is a really good one.
abc123 ernestdefoe Do you have free shared web hosting because I'm running 3 websites because I'm a non-profit website
ernestdefoe abc123 @14569 mentioned a few free web hosts that you could use. Do you know how many forums are out there that are "non profit" that the owner spends money on every month to operate it? My site is technically a non profit because I make nothing off of it. The thing is you get what you pay for. Free hosts in my experience tend to have more issues than those you pay for.
RelicSystem abc123 Why? Hosting is incredibly cheap in the shared hosting space, free options exist so I'm curious why you have specifics in mind.