Hi, I didn't find anything regarding this topic, so I might open it here.

Would it be possible somehow that discussion name is always visible, let's say on the right side above "original post" link, on desktop, and to enable that on mobile view somehow as well?

Scenario is that my users get notification and they jump to the latest post, but many times they really don't pay attention which discussion is it and then they have to scroll to the top to see where they are currently.

I tried to make DiscussionHero class sticky on top but it is not good solution. It takes too much space. It would be much better to present that information on the right side in desktop view. I'm still not sure how to achieve the best visualisation on mobile view yet.

    luceos thanks for the info. I did the exactly same thing like in the last comment - to make discussion header sticky but I didn't like it because it occupied too much space.

    Initial idea is the same as I have - place it between buttons and history scroll on the right sidebar and call it a day. I think that it might be doable by providing extension for it.

    Silvestrus I've been mulling over this idea ever since I first encountered Flarum. For many looking to launch a forum, the choice often narrows down to Discourse and Flarum – that was exactly my experience. What bothered me most about Flarum was a particular shortcoming, and I really admire how Discourse tackled that issue.

    Copying their solution outright didn't seem innovative, and after a while of searching for the perfect way to do it, I eventually gave up. That said, I was excited to see this topic come up in discussion.

    If you're interested, we could brainstorm some ideas and sketch out draft visuals. I believe that once we land on a design we both think is truly outstanding, we can move forward and implement it!

      huseyinfiliz absolutely! I'm all for it. Let's try to create visuals and to provide concrete suggestion and see how it will go from there.

      I really like the suggestion 🙂

      In PC, I think we could simply replace/hide the site name and links with the discussion title when we go to a discussion.
      And the tags, put them just below the title. Also, we could put the logo to the left of the title. Our favicon, more precisely.

      I hope I've made myself clear.

      For mobile, I don't see any solution other than adding a little line that just puts the title. Without the tags, otherwise it would be too big.

        Wlork We can find a place for it on the web side as you mentioned, but I think we need to find a good solution for the mobile side.

        I think we need to move the button in the mobile header that allows you to jump to a specific comment to another location. This will provide a good space for placing the title.

        The idea I have in mind is to create an area that hides when moving to the next post and appears when returning to the previous post.

          luceos Yes, I've quickly prepared a demo. Of course, this is not a final result, just a simple demo I put together in a few minutes. I thought this would allow us to have a better discussion about it.

            huseyinfiliz Yes, I've quickly prepared a demo. Of course, this is not a final result, just a simple demo I put together in a few minutes. I thought this would allow us to have a better discussion about it.

            I quote myself :

            Wlork For mobile, I don't see any solution other than adding a little line that just puts the title. Without the tags, otherwise it would be too big.

            We need to know if the tags are important ? I ask because the author @Silvestrus doesn't mention it ?

            If not, we can remove them and reduce the height considerably.... And put the title in full (size 12 px or 14px is sufficient)

              Wlork This was actually a demo I needed to prepare in just a few minutes. Yes, for this, I even set the discussion title to be a single line and reduced its width. I think we should add the icons of the tags or the primary tag next to it.

              Fork this demo on CodePen and make adjustments to it. We can continue this way until we find the best version.

                I think this demo is really cool.
                Perhaps we could use an extension to decide which elements to display,title, tags, votes ex..

                huseyinfiliz This was actually a demo I needed to prepare in just a few minutes.

                Yes, I understood 🙂

                What I meant was that your demo with tags confirmed my first impressions. @Subarist 's suggestion of being able to choose whether or not to display tags in mobile format is a good idea.

                I've made a few drawings to help explain my suggestions above.

                In PC :

                Barre Nav :

                Barre Nav in discussion :

                Hopefully it will be feasible, of course.

                In Mobile :

                Without tags :

                (Sorry for title but I wanted more character 😃) I made it display in full, centred with a size of 12px. The text and background colour is the default tag colour

                  Wlork How about fully mimicking Discourse? Because I can see that you're already doing it on the web. We can do the same on mobile as well.

                  What if the "1 of 7 posts" in the mobile navbar was moved entirely to the bottom right, and the discussion title was added there?

                  Or, as the opposite of what we're currently doing, the title could be in the top navbar, and the post count could be displayed in a bottom navbar that hides while scrolling down?