Glad to wait ?
There are no open issues in this milestone (0.1.0-beta.6)
Already at beta6... Before you know it, Flarum will be out of beta ?
luceos So much excitement right now! ?
Oh, no issues left again...
hype hype hype hype hype hype...
Can't wait to replace Xenforo ?
Why? Xenforo is great, just depends, to me anyway, on the community you're aiming for. Aside from some aspects with the community IMO it's very good forum software.
itsjtaM Are you volunteering to DJ the release party?
wignu It's not FOSS, I feel filthy for using it.
jordanjay29 give me a date & time. ?
TheReverend403 FOSS?
wignu He's referring to the fact that Xenforo is a proprietary software, rather than Free and Open Source Software.
jordanjay29 He's referring to the fact that Xenforo is a proprietary software, rather than Free and Open Source Software.
Aaaah, thanks for that, I'm a bit dense at times ?
Hype \o/
First thank to all developers for your constant work. I just love flarum.
So, still writing the docs, I think. Is there a way to see that progress?