• Off-topic
  • There are no open issues in this milestone (0.1.0-beta.6)

HavocK but all the issues were solved, so we can start partying ?

Also, is there any way we can help on writing the docs?

    I think ( I think ) that this will only be a quick-fix (more like a code-revert)

    The latest development version has been deployed to discuss.flarum.today this morning (CET). Closing the last issue is a formality, but something we absolutely had to keep track of before releasing b6. If you all exert a little patience, I can assure you b6 will be there soon.

      Glad to wait ?

      Already at beta6... Before you know it, Flarum will be out of beta ?

      Oh, no issues left again...
      hype hype hype hype hype hype...

        Why? Xenforo is great, just depends, to me anyway, on the community you're aiming for. Aside from some aspects with the community IMO it's very good forum software.