Prosperous At this moment Flarum can't compete with anything at the moment. A nice interface doesn't mean it's already better than the current available software. Flarum is missing some vital parts, therefore it's not even in a beta stage.
At this speed, how hard it sounds I personally think this project will die. No offense against the developers but the release timeframe is just way to slow. It's more like a free side hobby, this project would not generate a vast income for the developers in the future, meaning that it will be abandoned in the end due "lack" of time and interest.
Same fate as MyBB, SMF and phpBB. Which can't even compete with commercial forum software. Slow, old fashioned look and slow as fuck.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Flarum succeed as it has a lot of potential. I already personally offered sponsorship and hosting help, but nobody even replied, as expected...