Hello Flarum!
This is a very amateurish WYSIWYG Markdown Editor extension for Flarum. Made for understanding basics of ES6 and Flarum Extension System. However I found this extension system very complicated ?
You can check the repository here
composer require xengine/flarum-ext-markdown-editor
//for older version with SimpleMDE instead of Pagedown(Stackoverflow Editor)
composer require "xengine/flarum-ext-markdown-editor:0.5"
Tiny Notes
Almost every code grabbed and studied from Sajjad Hashemian flarum extension repositories. Also http://apidocs.flarum.org/0.1.0/js/ this api document baby had huge help understanding flarum's core.
Of Course, Markdown Editor that used in this extension is Simple Markdown Editor https://github.com/NextStepWebs/simplemde-markdown-editor by NextStepWebs.
This is now deprecated if you still want to use it please use lower versions of version 1.0

this is a beta stage extension. Feel free to open issues or pull requests smth. I may not compatible with the newer versions of beta 0.6.
oh almost forget .. If you encounter any issues when installed, please remove it asap and if you have any clue about what caused it, please do tell.