MikeJones 010101 There is another image loader plugin for Flarum that has a loading icon but I think it only works with imgur as a host. Could the code just not be merged?
MikeJones luceos I thought I asked about doing that in the chat awhile ago but was told it couldn't be done...
matteocontrini Actually the feature is already there, but it's bugged so in practice you don't see the loading indicator.
ritchie Are there any way the result is formatted in BB code so it will show directly on the post? I got something like this right now. [upl-image-preview url=https://support.taptalk.io/assets/files/2019-05-22/1558556893-4513-screen-shot-2019-05-22-at-174940.png]
MajorDickTee how to show download counter in button? <div class="Button"> <xsl:value-of select="@downloads"/> </div> not work
ART994 when you prohibit guests from downloading, you get an error instead of registering {"errors":[{"status":"401","code":"permission_denied"}]}
luceos Leanna feel free to reach out to me privately to have aliyun integration commissioned or pr that feature to the repository. I planned a rewrite for this year that adds more drivers.
iPurpl3x samus14 I have the same issue, have you had any luck resolving this ? EDIT : I disabled and reenabled the BBCode extension, that made it work.
[deleted] @luceos on successful upload, I then receive the below error when attempting to download {"errors":[{"status":"404","code":"resource_not_found"}]} Any thoughts ? Seems to be uploaded to the right file path (assets) and appears as a entry in the DB https://ibb.co/dpkW8KG
rattler72 Trying to upload an mp4, which works great but... it appears the download template is taking over and trying to render the mp4 as an image. Is there a way to just have it return the URL? I am also using FoF Formatting to handle external links. https://pasteboard.co/Im9cgRK.png
luceos Applepiee anything in your storage/logs directory about the error? rattler72 did you try selecting a different display template?
Applepiee When enabling this plugin, I get a "Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again". In the developer console the following error can be seen: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Flarum Beta 9
Xso I don't know why. When I clicked the download button, I returned an error. {"errors":[{"status":"404","code":"resource_not_found"}]} But S3 has this file.