Nikol1 Help with css code. How can I hide that only the users of the forum do not see the money in public. And I would have a question how to just update every day for a certain amount e.g. Every day for 0.0010 tomorrow for 0.0020 Tnx.
Antoine Nikol1 For your first question, you can use this extension to add a logged-in class to the body element and use some custom CSS like : .logged-in .UserCard-profile .item-money { display: none; } And users who are logged in won't see the money in user's profiles (but it's only CSS so it's still viewable in the source code). For your second question, it isn't possible with this extension currently.
Antoine v1.2.0 This extension can now be integrated with Flarum Auto-moderator ( You can add : a Criteria (for example if money > 20, add the user to a group) an Action (for example if the user has more than X posts, add 20 to his money) Note : due to the auto-moderator extension supporting only integer values, the value used for the comparison will be rounded down (php floor) if it has a decimal part. 🐛 Feel free to report any bug you find with this new release in this thread or open a GitHub issue ! Updating composer update antoinefr/flarum-ext-money php flarum cache:clear
shawPLUSroot Awesomeee!!!! Thank you for your work!!!!! I'm wondering if you plan to offer more functions like enabling users to buy things? For example, the admin provides a list of invite codes (or obtain from the table named "doorkeys" according to the extension doorman) in the admin console and then people go to some page to confirm to buy, then they get the invite code though notifications🥺
Wapriaily Feature request: Users will be rewarded with money for logging in to the forum every day,I think this can improve the stickiness of users to use the forum and improve entertainment.
Antoine Wapriaily It's a great idea, but it requires a bit of work to know if the current user has already logged in today. I don't have much time right now to add this feature, but I'll add it to my todo list.
lihaorr As we all know, the value of money is used for consumption, forming the process of production-consumption-reproduction, so how money is spent is a very important content。 1、It can be used for paid viewing of articles 2、It can be used for publishing tasks and as a reward 3、It can be Used to buy certain accessories or props 4、Can be given to others 5、Can be used for some small games 6、Initiate some specific topics 7、Paid purchase invitation code
kuaza Please add support within this plugin: So if the user's answer is marked as the best answer, he can earn a certain amount of money. Some rules can be added: If he chooses the best answer by writing a new answer on his own topic, the moderator will be put on hold for approval, money and a notification will be sent to the moderator. When the moderator approves, the money will be added to the account. If the best answer changes in the future, remove the fee added to his account and send the user what I know. In this case, it can be left for a certain amount of labor, this can be adjusted from the admin section. For example, when the correct answer changes, we can leave 50% of the money he received as a reward.
hrvoje_hr kuaza So if the user's answer is marked as the best answer, he can earn a certain amount of money. It's already compatible with Auto Moderator extension.
ann I think money can be given to others and to be used for viewing other's certain articles is cool!Would money extension support for it?looking forward for that.
luceos QyInvoLing Blomstra Payments supports requiring real payment so that users can buy access to permission groups and thus their badges. Not sure that's what you're looking for?
QyInvoLing luceos I want to allow users using the "money" in this extension to buy some access to something such as groups or badges. Currently without audo moderator the "money" in this extension is useless
hrvoje_hr QyInvoLing if you're interested, we can co-sponsor some new features. I would be interested in a feature that allows transferring money between users
Cactus1805 It will be great if we can use "money" to buy stuff on forum, such as gifts, digital items, advertising that issued by forum administrator, or to unlock some contents from other users. I will be happy to sponsor for these features
OwlGreen Cactus1805 Yes, I am too like this extension and want more option... In my modification I added payment history on user page and option to send (gift) money between users. Now I want add notification when user A send money to user B, but I am not so clever 🙁
Wapriaily Feature request: Invitation-based forums, in conjunction with the FoF Doorman extension, users can use funds to purchase invitation codes to invite their friends to sign up for the forum.