For the "Best answer", I think I could use the existing extension, but it needs to send an event which I can listen to.
I have also planned to add support for the Likes extension to give money when your post is liked.
For the whole number, it is possible but I won't implement this, because it enters in conflict with the way people can use the extension (some people would like to have decimal values shown, other would like to have it rounded).
You can edit the extension if you really need it ; the code is on this line https://github.com/AntoineFr/flarum-ext-money/blob/v0.3.0/js/forum/src/main.js#L14
You should add a Math.floor()
around the money amount.
N°1 : When you hover the user on the left of the post, it shown a summary card about the user. I think I can add the button to open the modal into this card, for example next to the money amount ? Like this it would be easy to add money to an user within a post.
N°2 : I could change the text field, with a label like "Money to give" and users with rights can enter the amount they want to add (like +4, 4) or remove (like -2).
Thanks for the Simplified Chinese locale. But in order to add it, I need to know if the correct language code used by the main language extension is zh-rCN like your file name or if it's another one.
PS : I also started the ranking page ?