0E800 http://blog.nkdroidsolutions.com/android-facebook-login-example-v4/
Currently trying to apply this method. Hopefully this will detect when Facebook login button is pressed and work as intended.
For now you can do this:
Under onPageStarted add:
if (url.startsWith("https://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?") {
This way on page loads it will check if the page is a Facebook login page, (also add www. option along with m.) and if it's it will redirect the user to a static page on your flarum stating that this feature isn't currently available.
Ninja Edit: I've found my own solution on GitHub: github link
Try this but replace simple m.facebook.com links with m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth? this way users will be able to browse normal Facebook links. Only Facebook login links will be redirected to your Flarum. I've also included a screenshot as an example. (About how it looks.)
This way you don't give up on popup logins. Meanwhile, you can try to achieve the one that I posted at the top. Good luck!
If any you have any extra questions, do ask.
Ultimate ninja edit (included screenshot also here):
Legend27 level ninja edit: https://github.com/dumanpro/Android-App-for-Flarum?files=1 check out my code if you want to add swipe down to reload function. (which is an essential, in my opinion.) Also there's a small but smart boolean magic to disable mid screen loading indicator, don't miss it.