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The marketplace extension that allows you to add and remove extensions without composer or a terminal.

Read the disclaimers!

Bazaar in Action


  • Bazaar runs migrations down, meaning it will drop tables of extensions when you uninstall them.
  • Bazaar cannot remove assets right now of extensions that are uninstalled.
  • Bazaar attempts to increase its allowance of memory to 1GB, this might not work on your hosting environment.
  • Bazaar reads the API on for compatible extensions. By installing and enabling this extension you agree to share some data so that the extension can do its work (Flarum version and URL).


  • Give admins easier control of installed and enabled extensions.
  • Create a community driven, triaged list of quality extensions.
  • Allow admins to connect to their account and gain access to a dashboard showing the status of all forums.
  • Support paid extensions for Flagrow and other extension developers.


Make sure that the following directories and files are writable by the web/php user:

  • composer.json
  • composer.lock
  • vendor/


composer update extiverse/bazaar
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear


Enable the extension under the extensions tab in the admin area. A settings modal will popup asking you for a token, which most likely will already be there. You're good to go, open the Bazaar tab on the left and enjoy!

For version 0.3 and up (for Flarum 0.1.0-beta.8+) please do consider to enable cron processing. Cron
processing considerably speeds up actions on your extensions by moving those tasks outside of your current request.

Extension developers

Bazaar connects to to provide up-to-date extension list and metadata.
This data is refreshed periodically via the Packagist API. It takes around five minutes for the
website to pick up new extensions, existing extensions are synced every hour.

This means you don't have anything particular to do to get your extension inside Bazaar.

However here are a few additional steps you can take to improve the way your extension looks (check these keys in your composer.json file):

  • Fill the license key so everybody know what they can do with your code.
  • Add every author to the authors key so we can list them.
  • Choose a sensible name for extra.flarum-extension.title. This value is used with the tags to provide search.
  • Don't forget to set an extra.flarum-extension.icon setting to your extension, it looks a lot better with an icon.
  • Add an extra.flagrow.discuss key to link your extension with its discussion on Flarum Discuss. Must be a valid url starting with


  • Where do I get a token or the token field is empty?

Please get in touch with us on our issue tracker.


An extension by Flagrow.

    Bazaar is the first extension released under the new Flagrow, something I've announced on our insiders mailing list. Flagrow has grown to a more professional project with both @jordanjay29 and @clarkwinkelmann joining me, aside from two others (an expert designer/frontend developer and a seasoned devops) who are not active in this community.

    This extension would not have seen the light of day without the amazing work by Clark who not only made the proof of concept but did a lot of the initial work!

    We're forming a cooperative together as we speak, called Gravure, which will provide at least one other Flarum-related service in the near future. I think it's even mentioned on our website ?

    Feel free to join to join our insiders list, because we will be announcing other cool stuff very soon ?

    The insiders mailing list is for everyone to be informed about Flagrow news first hand! People on our insiders list will also receive benefits to our paid services in the future.

      You and your team makes our day so easy. Thank you for the effort and all the hard work creating all these extesions. I'm taking my hat off to you.

      Keep up the excelente work.

        blackjelly could you please create an issue on github. This is a very new extension that might not work on all environments, especially on shared hosting. I'm willing to take a look though.

        And please don't mention Jordan, he's not a developer for this extension.

        Sinamics thanks for the praise, this was very much a team effort!

          @luceos WOW. Cool stuff here.

          Do you think, part of that code may be used as official core marketplace?

            luceos As usual you are bringing the best extensions for Flarum! Amazing job and congratulations for that huge step on the Flagrow team!

            Just one question, I am testing it but there are seem to be a few extensions not being available to install, BBCode Helper for example. Is it normal?

            In advance thank you so much again! Ill buy you a cup of coffee in a moment ?

              AngelAvila I'd love to hear which extensions you miss. Bazaar is filtering extensions based on your flarum version.

              Thanks for your kind words ?

                This extension is a bit dangerous. Ive installed an extension using bazaar, after that, my forum went blank. I luckily found the culprit, but i think you should somehow check for dangerous extensions...

                  luceos Thanks for the reply!

                  So far I have tried to Install the following extensions with no luck:

                  • BBCode Helper
                  • Chat
                  • Birthdays
                  • Flagrow Split
                  • Widgets

                  I ran a composer update a few minutes ago and tried to install again, but still no luck.

                    AngelAvila if you are able post to our github issue tracker, it helps a lot so we can identify your environment and any potential causes of this behavior. Most likely it's related to restricted memory though.

                      luceos Just did it. Thank you so much for the attention! Hope my information provided on GitHub helps!

                      amdad now that I am sitting down and have the time to answer your question without hurrying it.. Here it goes.

                      The Flagrow marketplace was initially created so that we can offer paid extensions eventually, for Gravure has a long-term commercial mindset. The result, Bazaar, does a bit more and solves a problem many of us faced. Our goals for Bazaar are quite ambitious and most likely will require us to maintain this extension even when Flarum itself offers marketplace functionality.

                      Whether the core team is interested in parts of our code has to be seen. Conceptualisation of a possible marketplace has taken place, but the definite form has not been decided on. Nevertheless the core team can expect full cooperation from us upon request and collaboration on that functionality if they wish.

                        Tagged 0.1.0-beta.3 which removes the timeout for the install and uninstall ajax requests. This might solve issues you might have. These were changes I forgot to commit at home ?