Flarum Management
Repo : https://github.com/kulga/flarummanagement
In command line instructions. Should be run by normal user with sudo privileges
wget 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kulga/flarummanagement/master/flarum_management' -O flarum_management
chmod u+x flarum_management
Welcome to my 2nd version of a install script for flarum.
Some features
- Setup of LEMP stack
- Ability to install multiple instances of flarum
- Supports a ip address or domain names
- Configure flarum with ssl (or not)
- You may only gain ssl certification with domain names
- Decreased dependence of versions of operating system.
- Ability to remove existing installs and perform cleanup of both ssl and the database
- Ability to reconfigure a existing flarum install with ssl or to remove ssl.
- Auto-renewal of ssl certificates when close to expiry
- Works on new 1024MB droplet
Additionally, the script has been split into functions, making it easier to support alternative distros.
Additional notes:
- Tested and working on Ubuntu
16.04 and 16.10 17.10, 18.10
- It uses php7.*
- Some parts of ssl will take awhile on its first run
Usage examples:
### Invoke help message
./flarum_management -h
# Install Flarum site mysite.domain.tld;
# install myextrasite.domain.tld as well (second command)
./flarum_management -f mysite.domain.tld
./flarum_management -f mysite.domain.tld -f myextrasite.domain.tld
# Install flarum site with ssl configured.
# On a existing install, it reconfigures the flarum site with ssl support.
./flarum_management -sf mysite.domain.tld
# Install LEMP stack; install flarum site with ssl configured as well
./flarum_management -i
./flarum_management -isf mysite.domain.tld
# Remove flarum site; remove ssl certificate for domain as well
./flarum_management -r mysite.domain.tld
./flarum_management -sr mysite.domain.tld
# Install LEMP stack, remove flarum site and its domain certificate and install new flarum
# site with ssl configured.
./flarum_management -isr mysite.domain.tld -f myextrasite.domain.tld