WiseClock Davis Yeah I just did the php side thing in v0.1.1 and left a switch button in the settings modal. But since the way I code it uses mb_strlen and mb_substr for multi-byte support, it might throw exceptions on servers that don't have them installed/enabled, I have the switch set to off by default.
0E800 WiseClock Also 'click to show' like they do on XDA. I already block public, but if you could have a click to see type button for images or code or links or paragraphs with x amount of chars/lines. I think it would help keep long tutorials and posts less cluttered.
WiseClock 0E800 Isn't that just the spoiler thing? Or details extension it is called: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/3193-details-bbcode
WiseClock BiggerHao Oh oops... I got you wrong, sorry ? I thought you wanted to replace emojis, too... Didn't notice that it replaces emojis, thanks for the catch! I'll put it into the todos.
FebriTriHarmoko i got bug like this : https://discuss.flarum.org/d/7237-bug-error-linkn-external/7 from this extension
meto FebriTriHarmoko edit: vendor/wiseclock/flarum-ext-login2see/js/forum/dist/extension.js find if (wiseclockLogin2seeReplaceLinks != 'no_replace') $('.Post-body a') change to if (wiseclockLogin2seeReplaceLinks != 'no_replace' && !app.session.user) $('.Post-body a') save & clear cache
Luck WiseClock i have one problem with your extension... if i want only hide ADDRESS to users not registered, is not a possible, but if i select "Replace address and text" this work.
MajoMaslo Guys, please use legacy mode. Because users can see hidden content via source code of your page in browser :-)
wignu Hey @WiseClock thanks for a cracking little extension, could we possibly ask to have the option to not show any discussion content and just either have a popup when a discussion is clicked on stating they must register to read instead of going into the actual discussion itself or to just a standard message when they go into the discussion stating the user must log in to view the it?
Satyajit No login/signup link available in image placeholder. Its showing a text "LOGIN TO SEE" only.
paktua Sir @WiseClock thank you for the extension, can you make it mobile friendly, just installed at my forum http://blisaham.com when accessed using mobile device, only the title shows, nothing else. but when accessed using deskstop, it's shows the login/signup and "LOGIN TO SEE" text thanks