I have an Airtop (
It has slightly lower specs but is entirely passively air-cooled and with 2 SSD's, is dead silent. (Also uses only about 24W)
Intel Xeon E3-1285L
GeForce GTX 750 Ti
32GB DDR3 Ram
x2 SSD 240GB each (one /, one /home) and room for 3 more 2.5" drives + mSATA slot ?
x6 Gbit ethernet network (great for connecting multiple laptops and transferring files without a router)
Plus, the company (compulab) is buddy-buddy with the Linux Mint team, and the officially supported OS is Linux Mint.
This doesn't have to do with specs, but I had a graphic card failure after a year and they sent me a entirely brand new full computer in the ordered config since it's covered for 5 years ?