Supreme-Leader Kyrne Just striked myself and now I can't see the strike. It looks like this now.
jordanjay29 I can't reproduce (I can see the strike) but it might be a good idea not to be able to strike onesself?
Supreme-Leader jordanjay29 I striked myself because why not and it has worked before. It doesn't matter if it is your account or not, it should work the same.
Ralkage Kyrne Like if you're too lazy to create dummy users so you strike yourself to test it strikes are working? ?
jordanjay29 Kyrne Are you guys misreading? I might have misworded it. I said you should stop the ability to strike yourself.
Kyrne Supreme-Leader so no strikes show up? That shouldn't be. Can you check your logs? jordanjay29 I read that correctly. I'm asking why we should disable striking ourselves? What's the big deal about striking ourselves?
Supreme-Leader Kyrne Where would I find the logs in question. Also it doesn't show strikes and when I make a strike on a clean user, it will show this user has no previous strikes then it will cut to this.
selcukahmet Is the extension cause duplicate content? (when posting new discussion and reply) I cannot prove that but after removing extension fixed. Is there a conflict with User List extension?
selcukahmet Hi again. Just thinking about user post quota to slow down, sticky and toxic users. E.g. 5 post for 24hr. Is it possible? Good, usefull feature before suspend them.