
This is an extension to migrate data from a mybb forum to a fresh flarum instance.

image admin section

What can it migrate?

In your admin panel you can choose what to migrate.

  • Users (their passwords are ALL reset to a bcrypt hash from current time)
  • Categories
  • Forums
  • Posts
  • Groups
  • Avatars


Migrating is also available via command line, by executing the command php flarum migrate-data:from-mybb


composer require michaelbelgium/mybb-to-flarum


You're awesome, THX so much!
I'll give it a try soon. Is there a way to import avatars in the future?

Best regards

    meddy Yes, will take a peek into that fork ?

    And yes to quotes too. As far as I know it migrates the quotes perfectly. Only problem that i encountered with migrating posts is that some bbcodes aren't supported by flarum (yet?), like [font]

    4 months later

    Can anyone update this to the latest Flarum software? It doesn't include the "." in the database anymore.

      15 days later

      Thank you So Much! Work Perfect!

      But need to change some setting for example:
      The File Config.php must be a Conflict with flarum confing.php file, have the same Name in Folder.

      My Solution:
      Rename the file to Config2.php

      Example OnLine Migration MyBB to Flarum : MyBB migrate script

      Image of Yaktocat

        20 days later

        Senpie Euh, it does work for me, I don't get what you mean with the dot tho

        DiegoPino Yeah .. if you're using Windows it does indeed conflict ? I'm using it on linux so i don't have that issue

        a month later

        It's a very good script. Please note that you should have same collation in both SQL db's.
        Among other problems I had to delete some users with duplicate emails (don't know how was that even possible), also subforums with same name and those having " ' " in their name eg. "developers' corner".

        Now I need your help/ideas on this:
        Migrating threads and thread posts...
        Error executing query: Unknown column 'yes' in 'field list'

          ok I figured it out, column "closed" had values "yes" also instead of 0 / 1, converted them to 1 and fixed it.

          a year later

          For some reasons I cannot login using neither the former flarum password or the current after the migration

          a month later
          10 days later

          Just a heads up, I'm planning to make this as a flarum extension. I believe it will be the first "forum x to flarum" extension. But honestly, It should be like this


          25 days later

          This is now a flarum extension.

          Version 3.0 béta. It's a pre-release so be careful. There's still version 2.1 if you need the php scripts in stead of an extension.
          Report bugs on github.


          composer require michaelbelgium/mybb-to-flarum


          Guess it should be moved to "extensions" too ?

          9 months later

          Is there any log can view, if something failed or process stopped during migration?

            2 months later

            After a few seconds migration is stopped with this error: Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again

            I can see that some users have been imported.