Why 3.0.0?
Unfortunately, in order to introduce a new feature (coming soon), I had to make a change to the API. I tried to implement it w/o introducing any breaking changes but was unable to, so for any developers hooking into this extension, you are going to have to make a few small tweaks, not API functionality was removed.
In this update:
- Added an animation to the up and downvote buttons when clicked, color is determined by forum primary color
- Fixed a bug that reset a user's vote when a post was edited - jonnnie
- Fixed a bug that would cause votes to be counted wrong - kinqsley
- Changed the color of the vote buttons to match the forum's primary color
- Removed vote color selector - redundant
Upcoming Features:
- Pusher integration
- Allowing people with permission to change a user's rank
- A couple super secret awesome things
- Requests?
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