User directory by FriendsOfFlarum

License Latest Stable Version


An extension that generates a new url /users that provides a list of users, with the ability to sort. You can search through the users from the global
search input field, a new item shows up "Search all users for ..".

You can protect access to the list with a permission. If the user has no access, they will see a 404 not found page.

A setting allows you to show a link to the directory from the homepage sidebar, or you can use the links extension if you prefer a link in the header.


Install with composer:

composer require fof/user-directory:"*"


To the next minor version:

composer update fof/user-directory

To the latest compatible version:

composer require fof/user-directory:"*"


An extension by FriendsOfFlarum

    Really neat! As per usual I'm getting weird strings for the dropdown. xD

      Totte re-enable any extension, user-directory itself is also possible. It will flush the locale cache.

      Nah, was cloudflare. Disable cloud > remove rev-* > php flarum cache:clear > enable cloud. Solved.

      Great plugin, cheers.

      11 days later
      2 months later

      How about adding an "Email User" to each profile to make it easy to contact members?

        JRay I would call that a serious privacy problem. There would have to be an opt-it, and default to no.

        • JRay replied to this.

          Kyrne It wouldn't disclose a user's email. Just send a message which the receiver could reply to or ignore.

            JRay it would still be an unsolicited email, and thus, requires an opt-out by law (in the US and Canada anyway).

              Tell that to Sears and Target, I don't see any opt out in my spam from many legit companies.

              If people sign up to be a member of your forum, it should be within law to be able to contact users.

              Kyrne I'm talking about peer-to-peer personal emails. They are not commercial in nature.

              But I appreciate your privacy concerns. A private message system would solve the problem as well.

              2 months later

              FriendsOfFlarum When the user-directory updated to the newest version (0.1.0), the duplicated items are shown if the items >3 pages. Moreover, when using the "recently online" to order the list only first one can be shown.

                Jianfeng i'm not too sure I follow could you perhaps explain (in a github issue) what you see and what you expected to see? Including the steps to reproduce?

                  a month later

                  Awesome extension.

                  May you please add the button from your User List extension to email all users?
                  I would like to use this extension as a replacement for the User List extension as it just seems to have more administrative functionality for modifying users.
                  I just need that email function w/ ability to include custom [HTML] (as @Kyrne [Abandoned] User List extension does.)

                  Also one thing I am noticing with the User List extensions is that the Email All Users function is easily broken if a user registers using a bogus email that may include formatting issues.

                  If I try to send in mass a custom email to all Flarum members, it ends up failing because of improper format or some other reason. It would be cool if there was a way to improve upon the rules that govern proper email format.

                  I have already asked a lot, but it would also be nice to have the option to include the Members or Users link on the left hand side by Following and Tags instead of using the Links extension which puts it at the top with the rest of the external-site links I have. Just seems like it would be better placed on the side like the Ranking extension does.

                  If at all possible, it would be super awesome if I could customize if I want huge user tiles that show all the info, or have it as just a list so I do not have to keep scrolling through pages.

                  Thanks again for another slick looking extension. ? :

                  7 months later

                  Just installed, exactly what I was looking for. But is there any way to have it only accessible from the admin dashboard?