Frink MikeJones Did you run composer require flagrow/users-list? If it is saying nothing to install or update, it usually signifies that the extension is already installed, or you ran composer installl
MikeJones Frink So I swore I did that the first time.... but it works now, who knows.... Also is there no way to sort the list with this extension?
clarkwinkelmann afboyxiyang extension is not compatible with beta 8. I suppose that's your issue there.
luceos I've pushed some progress into this a few days ago, this extension will merge into flagrow/user-directory as per @jordanjay29's suggestion π It just takes the last step to get it done for beta 8+
luceos iivanov no. I'm porting all flagrow extensions over to beta 8 by myself. Although I had great help by team reflar, there's still a lot to do and so little time.