EnzoLwb StanleySongX need need to pay ¥300 for wechat Developer Qualification Certification ? get app id and secrets?
iCosmo EnzoLwb Yes, 300 RMB. Maybe there is information you need here. https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/index?t=home/index&lang=en_US https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/frame?t=home/wx_plugin_tmpl&lang=en_US
mkdirmushroom Will there be an updated plan in the future?There are many people who need WeChat login, especially Chinese developers.
NomisCZ If I have time, I could try to fix it / create new extension (rewrite some "bad things"), but it looks like "country restricted thing", so maybe I won't be able to test it.
NomisCZ yhuchs I created new extension, but I can't verify that it works properly (WeChat developer account verification is *** thing ...), so you can try it composer require nomiscz/flarum-ext-auth-wechat:dev-master. If everything works, I would publish it. Please test it 🙂
Littlegolden NomisCZ Well, individual developers cannot apply for a secret key. . . A business license or 300 CNY is required. . .
yhuchs NomisCZ ok,thx. callback url Tips:Wrong scope parameter or no scope permission Official documents:https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/OA_Web_Apps/Wechat_webpage_authorization.html Another request, Can I bind or unbind wechat account in personal center?
Littlegolden yhuchs Shouldn't you use "open platform" documentation instead of "official account" documentation?
yhuchs Littlegolden Thank you for reminding me. I'll try again. It will take a little time to apply for appid.