Among other things. It's also less flexible, you can't ever add/remove/reorder the variables or make any of them optional, it makes it impossible to use markup in the text values, makes it harder to set default values, etc...


    I appreciate your comments. Most of the questions I have had regarding custom bbcode have been answered indirectly by you from various other forums.

    Best regards,

    Version 0.1.5
    - Includes properly formatted bbcode. Thanks to @JoshyPHP for his help and expertise.


    Version 0.1.6
    -This extension has been updated to support mobile devices (flexbox).
    composer update oe800/flarum-ext-bbcode-alerts
    php flarum cache:clear


    3 months later

    How the titles can be translated to other locales? this extension doesn't creates yml file for titles.
    (for the basic bbcode titles)

      8 days later


      When I have time, I will try to create yml for the bbcode.
      Thank you for the feedback.

      7 days later

      If @JoshyPHP has any input to how I could include translations for bbcode. It would be much appreciated.
      Trying to find a bbcode only extension that includes translations.

      The way I implemented it in phpBB is they already had tokens in the form {L_WHATEVER} in their custom BBCodes to be replaced by the localized string. Unknown tokens are interpreted as template parameters. At rendering time, the values of those template parameters are set. It's a good idea to keep the L_ prefix in order to differentiate template parameters used as localized string placeholders from other kind of template parameters.

      $configurator = new s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator;
      $configurator->BBCodes->addCustom('[foo]', '{L_FOO}');
      foreach ($renderer->getParameters() as $name => $value)
      	if (substr($name, 0, 2) === 'L_')
      		$renderer->setParameter($name, "$name's value");
      $text = '[foo]';
      $xml  = $parser->parse($text);
      $html = $renderer->render($xml);
      L_FOO's value


        Much gratitude. As always your reply aims to the point and with an example that was 10 fold beyond my understanding. You 1080p'd my 640 x480 screen.

        I aspire to create such replies.

        Thank you.

        a year later

        @0E800 with almost 1k downloads, this deserves some Beta 8.(1) TLC 😉

        I worked countless hours on this PR and if you do manage to merge it, please feel free to tag this release as 0.2.0. with the following as the GitHub release description.

        0.2.0 ❤️

        • Beta 8.(1) compatibility.
        • MAJOR refactoring/restructuring of code.
        • Friendlier way of updating FA4 icons to FA5 through our LESS savior/function fa(); which I got after reviewing extensions that make use of FA5 icons through LESS (aka Tags 😉😉)
        • Made use of those new extenders ❤️ (Formatter is 💝 )
        • composer.json updated.
        • README makeover.
        • Added LICENSE file cause why not?
        • Added .editorconfig
        • Added .gitignore

        P.S. There's more to come after I take care of ReFlar's current extension issues 🙈

          My apologies , I fumble with github and may have merged it wrong ? There was 3 options . I also couldn't figure out how to tag using the github site.

          You have done such a fantastic job to revive the extensiin , please feel free to rebrand it and I'll post a link to your updated version .

          Either way, its very awesome of you to do that. I will use your commit as a reference for updating the other bbcode extensions.

          Ive been kind of burnt out lately and have been purposely distracting myself against my own better judgment .

            0E800 no worries man, the merger looks great and correctly executed!

            Now, go here:


            And fill the form out as so:

            For the release description (#3), you can paste the following (with markdown ofc):

            - Beta 8.(1) compatibility.
            - MAJOR refactoring/restructuring of code.
            -  Friendlier way of updating FA4 icons to FA5 through our LESS savior/function `fa();` which I got after reviewing extensions that make use of FA5 icons through LESS (aka Tags ;);))
            -  Made use of those new extenders ❤️ (Formatter is 💝 )
            -  composer.json updated.
            - README makeover.
            - Added LICENSE file cause why not?
            - Added .editorconfig
            - Added .gitignore

            No need for me to takeover or re-brand, but, if you feel like it, you can add me as an outside contributor to your current BBCode extensions so that I do the rest of the release related work for ya?

            What if I told you that ReFlar was planning on creating a not-so-secret-anymore BBcode Manager extension in the near future? ;)

            3 months later

            achlys with what information? Current Version update information? He's not going to know what needs updating in his OP if you're not being explicit 🙂

            a year later

            when using the following tags, how can I switch to next line. It seems I can only write one single and not multiple next lines ?


            4 months later
            5 months later
            5 days later
            • [deleted]

            • Edited

            @0E800 Any plans to upgrade this for v1.0