French Language Pack
hello please can you help start Italian translation?
Can we base on this file to translate to own language ofc with credits to Your work? You don't have any problem with that?
A guide to create an extension (for a language), for all non-developers translators out there, would be nice.
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Stew TRK88 SolidOrphan No problem with that, you have to found all Qia, French and french and replace them, and change the content of flarum.json and src/Extension.php. and .gitignore can be removed, they are relative to GitHub. Please make sure to keep all spaces as they are, or you will break things!
For information, @Toby will simplify in the future the way to create an extension when it's a localization, because for now, if you're following the documentation, some unnecessary files and folders will be present.
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For information, times localization have been implemented in the latest extension version. I tested it and it works. It's based on French moment.js locale. This localization is not included by default, but it seems intended like that. At least at this very moment. So, like everything, this can be changed.
Be sure to update frequently the extension in the Flarum beta stage. It's super simple to update, and it's even explained in the How to update? section of the documentation.
Is it possible to use this extension for other languages?
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Bonsoir, merci de ton travail et d'avoir partagé cette extension, cependant je rencontre un problème lors de son utilisation.
J'ai simplement placé le dossier téléchargé dans Extensions. J'ai ensuite essayé d'activer l'extension mais j'obtiens le message suivant :
"Oops! Something went wrong on the server. Please reload the page and try again."
Google chrome me retourne "Internal Server Error",
Ensuite les logs de flarum m'indiquent certaines erreurs mais je doute qu'elles soient liés à l'extension:
Pourrais tu m'aider au bon fonctionnement de l'extension ?
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alexandre1004 Merci à toi d'utiliser l'extension. En fait, comme le contenu de How to install? dans la documentation le mentionne, il faut créer un répertoire french/ dans le répertoire extensions/ situé à la racine de Flarum, puis transférer le contenu de l'archive décompressée dans ce répertoire french/, en prenant le soin de ne pas transférer flarum-master/.
Tu devrais avoir quelque chose qui ressemble à :
- extensions/french/locale/
- extensions/french/src/
- extensions/french/vendor/
- extensions/french/.editorconfig
- extensions/french/.gitignore
- extensions/french/bootstrap.php
- extensions/french/composer.json
- extensions/french/flarum.json
- extensions/french/LICENSE
- extensions/french/
One translation to rule them all!
Superbe, merci beaucoup, tu as été très rapide pour la création de l'extension.
Désolé du dérangement je ne fais pas du tout de web. Bonne soirée
For information, the extension now uses new locale registration APIs (implemented here in Flarum's core).
As those locale registration APIs doesn't exist in the released Flarum beta (and development releases older than this change), the extension may not works with you current installation. So, if you're in this situation, you have to manually reverse this change in the extensions/french/src/Extension.php file located on your server.
Another information, according to Toby on Gitter, the whole structure for localizations will be getting a revamp soon, so be prepared. I'll try to be as quick as possible to update the extension when this revamp will be done.
Fastidious As i said to you, I can now inform you that localizations will be extensions, not included in the default installation of Flarum. But extensions are planned to be really simple to install (for now, it's manual, but there will be a UI in the administration page to do that in the future, with a one-click installation or something near to that).
Yay! The extension have been updated to work with Flarum 0.1.0 Beta 2 and its compatible extensions.
Il faudrait peut-être penser à créer un site pour le support francophone de Flarum.
SolidOrphan Il faut voir si une section n'est pas prévue ultérieurement sur ce forum. J'avais parlé de ça (en général, pas uniquement francophone) à Toby il y a quelques temps mais ce n'était pas une priorité (et je doute que ce soit le cas encore aujourd'hui).